André Bauchant, 1926
The English in Virginia, April 1607
They landed and could
see nothing but
meadows and tall
cypress, nearly three
fathoms about at the
rising straight for
sixty or eighty feet
without branch.
In the woods were
cedars, oaks, and
walnut trees;
some beech, some elm
black walnut, ash,
and sassafras; mul-
berry trees in
honey-suckle and
other vines hanging
in clusters on
many trees.
They stepped on
violets and other
sweet flowers,
many kind in many
colors; straw-
berries and rasp-
berries were on
the ground.
Blackbirds with red
shoulders were
flying about
and many small birds,
some red, some blue;
the woods were full of deer;
and running
fresh water—
brooks, rundles,
springs and creeks.
In the twilight,
through the thickets
and tall grass,
creeping upon all
savages, their
bows in their
Charles Resnikoff
Baseado na obra do Capitão John Smith,
Edited by Edward Arber. [Nota de Resnikoff]
They landed and could
see nothing but
meadows and tall
cypress, nearly three
fathoms about at the
rising straight for
sixty or eighty feet
without branch.
In the woods were
cedars, oaks, and
walnut trees;
some beech, some elm
black walnut, ash,
and sassafras; mul-
berry trees in
honey-suckle and
other vines hanging
in clusters on
many trees.
They stepped on
violets and other
sweet flowers,
many kind in many
colors; straw-
berries and rasp-
berries were on
the ground.
Blackbirds with red
shoulders were
flying about
and many small birds,
some red, some blue;
the woods were full of deer;
and running
fresh water—
brooks, rundles,
springs and creeks.
In the twilight,
through the thickets
and tall grass,
creeping upon all
savages, their
bows in their
Charles Resnikoff
Baseado na obra do Capitão John Smith,
Edited by Edward Arber. [Nota de Resnikoff]
Os Ingleses na Virgínia, Abril 1607
Eles desembarcaram e não
viram nada além de
prados e altas
ciprestes, quase três
braças de espessura nas
erguendo-se retos por
sessenta ou oitenta pés
sem galhos.
Nas matas havia
cedros, carvalhos e
umas faias, uns olmos
nogueira negra, freixos,
e sassafrás; pés de
amora em
madressilva e outras
vinhas pendendo em
cachos de
muitas árvores.
Toparam com
violetas e outras
flores fragrantes,
muitos tipos em muitas
cores; mo-
rangos e fram-
boesas restavam
no solo.
Melros com dorsos
rubros voa-
vam à volta
e muitos sibitis,
uns rubros, outros azuis;
a mata estava cheia de cervos;
por tudo
água fresca—
ribeiros, arroios,
nascentes e riachos.
No ocaso,
pelas moitas
e capim alto,
rastejando de
selvagens, com os
arcos nas
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