Survival: Infantry
And the world changed.
There had been trees and people,
Sidewalks and roads
There were fish in the sea.
Where did all the rocks come from?
And the smell of explosives
Iron standing in mud
We crawled everywhere on the ground without seeing the earth again
We were ashamed of our half life and our misery; we saw that
everything had died.
And the letters came. People who addressed us thru our lives
They left us gasping. And in tears
In the same mud in the terrible ground
George Oppen
Sobrevivente: Infantaria
E o mundo mudou.
Houvera árvores e gente,
Calçadas e vias
Havia peixe no mar.
De onde vinham todas as pedras?
E o cheiro de explosivos
Ferro firmando-se na lama
Rastejávamos por toda parte terreno afora sem ver a terra de novo
Envergonhamo-nos de nossa sobrevida e desgraça; víamos que
tudo tinha morrido.
E as cartas chegavam. Gente que nos chamava por nossas vidas
Nos legava suspiros. E às lágrimas
Na mesma lama sobre o terrível chão.
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